$ 3,690.00$ 4,410.00


Our Reaper has gone through a major transformation. New Sculpt for head and hands.  Grim Reaper to help you capture the souls of your patrons. Black tattered flame retardant cloak. It stands 9′ tall with an arm span of over 9′ with LED eyes and a working jaw.

Head movement has changed. More fluid like. Along with jaw action. Not using brake grip. But all built into neck. you push the head control forward and the head lifts but jaw opens. Less stress on operators fingers.
More padding on newly designed shoulder armature.
Also easier to adjust to properly fit operator.
Base is also not 70″ tall. It is short so the base of the costume drops into it. But it is also adjustable to fit operator.
Arms are not jointed at elbow but bent so the arms are easier to pick up. Not a heavy weight to pick up.
A wonderfully distressed light weight and breathable costume, w fiberglass shoulders mounted on a Proprietory Steel armature  shoulder harness. ALL costumes come with the stand at NO CHARGE.
The whole system is more balanced and feels lighter.

add a SCREAM CUBE to any costume for $720




Our Reaper has gone through a major transformation. New Sculpt for head and hands.  Grim Reaper to help you capture the souls of your patrons. Black tattered flame retardant cloak. It stands 9′ tall with an arm span of over 9′ with LED eyes and a working jaw.

Head movement has changed. More fluid like. Along with jaw action. Not using brake grip. But all built into neck. you push the head control forward and the head lifts but jaw opens. Less stress on operators fingers.
More padding on newly designed shoulder armature.
Also easier to adjust to properly fit operator.
Base is also not 70″ tall. It is short so the base of the costume drops into it. But it is also adjustable to fit operator.
Arms are not jointed at elbow but bent so the arms are easier to pick up. Not a heavy weight to pick up.
A wonderfully distressed light weight and breathable costume, w fiberglass shoulders mounted on a Proprietory Steel armature w aluminum shoulder harness. ALL costumes come with the stand at NO CHARGE.
The whole system is more balanced and feels lighter.

add a SCREAM CUBE to any costume for $720

Shipping to be determined

The best head movement available w no helmet


How our Giant Costumes make you money
– PHOTO-OPS: for viral social media marketing
– QUEUE-LINE ENTERTAINMENT: for that customer jaw dropping experience preparing them for what’s inside.
– MARKETING: use for marketing your event in parades and places where you can simultaneously reach thousands of people
– SERVICE PLAN: that is right. We take care of you and our products.
– BUILT IN AUDIO: We can add a scream cube to maximize your customer impact


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