$ 3,690.00$ 4,410.00

Oversized Goblin costume. Resculpt of the Head and hands are more detailed and a little smaller for better actor performance. head and arm movement is amazing, and has a working jaw.  9’tall, and includes stand for easy in and easy out. LED eyes included.

add a SCREAM CUBE to any costume for $600

SKU CS1125 Category Tags,



Oversized Goblin costume. Resculpt of the Head and hands are more detailed and a little smaller for better actor performance. head and arm movement is amazing, and has a working jaw.  9’tall, and includes stand for easy in and easy out. LED eyes included.

add a SCREAM CUBE to any costume for $600

Shipping to be determined

The best head movement available w no helmet


How our Giant Costumes make you money
– PHOTO-OPS: for viral social media marketing
– QUEUE-LINE ENTERTAINMENT: for that customer jaw dropping experience preparing them for what’s inside.
– MARKETING: use for marketing your event in parades and places where you can simultaneously reach thousands of people
– SERVICE PLAN: that is right. We take care of you and our products.
– BUILT IN AUDIO: We can add a scream cube to maximize your customer impact

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Giant Costume Options
