$ 1,806.00$ 2,556.00

Gore Galore’s Shredder actor prop mounted to a heavy duty 2 x 2 wooden chopping block table with access in the back for an actor to stand and appear he/she is being ground into a bloody pulp.



Gore Galore’s Heavy duty foam, shredder actor prop mounted to a heavy duty 2 x 2 wooden chopping block table with access in the back for an actor to stand and appear he/she is being ground into a bloody pulp. The gore/meat coming out of the shredder and flowing into a nasty wash tub. ALL one piece. Can be upgraded with sound board, included sound meat grinder sound and scream files and speaker for $500. SO they actor doesn’t have to blow out their voice. They just have to hit a button and thrash around. Optional male scream or female scream. You just have to select the file on the control board.

Shipping to be determined, it has to be shipped via freight